Open Cupboard

Open Cupboard provides food, personal care items and other resources to people in crisis throughout Woodbury, Oakdale, Landfall and South Maplewood. Open Cupboard serves over 4,000 households each week and is on track to distribute 5 million pounds of food in 2022. WCC partners with Open Cupboard by supporting its work with volunteers, cash donations and food donations, as well as by sharing its story with others in the community to help broaden its donor base. Through ongoing collections, WCC donates more than 200 pounds of food plus cash donations each year.

Ways to Get Involved:

• Donate food or personal products in the collection bins in the church lobby.

• Volunteer or help coordinate a volunteer event at Open Cupboard’s facility.

• Raise awareness among friends, neighbors and co-workers to contribute.


Stephanie Ashrafi

Feeding the Hungry

If you had $100 to spend, how many pounds of food do you think you could buy? It's easy to spend that much and easily be able to carry the groceries in just a couple of trips. Maybe 100 pounds? 200 tops. Open Cupboard, on the other hand, can use its partnerships to make $100 purchase thousands of pounds of food.

Wondering if there is really a need here in Woodbury? And if so how great is that need? A recent study ranked the Twin Cities ninth in the nation for growth in suburban poverty, finding the number of suburban poor increased from 90,000 in 200o to 204,000 in 2011. In 2012, more than 8,500 people per day used a food shelf in Minnesota.  

"For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink..."  -Matthew 25:35