Want to know more? Check out some details below:
Who: Outback Rock is designed for kids pre-k through 5th grade.
What: This will be a fun weekend Vacation Bible School. If you're not familiar with VBS, each session will includes skits, singing, games, snacks, and lots of fun activities. Kids have a great time and will learn about God's love for them through Bible lessons and skits. If you want to know more about what we believe as a church, just click here.
When: Outback Rock has 2 main sessions, followed by a party on Sunday (optional, but we'd love for you to join us!)
- Friday, June 21st, 5-7:30 pm
- Saturday, June 22nd, 9:30 am-12 pm
- Sunday, June 23rd, party during worship at 10 am.
Where: WCC is located at 2975 Pioneer Dr., at the corner of Pioneer Dr. and Lake Rd.
Cost: Free! We want to bless the families around us. So there’s no cost, just RSVP below as soon as possible. Space is limited.