Summer VBS 2024

Outback Rock

If you're looking for a fun activity for your kids pre-K through 5th grade this summer, 

we'd love for you to join us for Outback Rock VBS at WCC!

This will be an action-packed weekend of having fun, singing songs, playing games, and learning about God's love together. Kids will have a great time together.

VBS kicks off on Friday evening, June 21st. Check out a preview of Outback Rock here. You can get more details and register below.


Want to know more? Check out some details below:

Who:       Outback Rock is designed for kids pre-k through 5th grade.

What:     This will be a fun weekend Vacation Bible School. If you're not familiar with VBS, each session will includes skits, singing, games, snacks, and lots of fun activities. Kids have a great time and will learn about God's love for them through Bible lessons and skits. If you want to know more about what we believe as a church, just click here.

When:    Outback Rock has 2 main sessions, followed by a party on Sunday (optional, but we'd love for you to join us!)

  • Friday, June 21st, 5-7:30 pm
  • Saturday, June 22nd, 9:30 am-12 pm
  • Sunday, June 23rd, party during worship at 10 am.

Where:   WCC is located at 2975 Pioneer Dr., at the corner of Pioneer Dr. and Lake Rd.

Cost:        Free! We want to bless the families around us. So there’s no cost, just RSVP below as soon as possible. Space is limited.


There's no cost for VBS at WCC, but space is limited. Please click here to register!