Who is Jesus?

"'But what about you?' [Jesus] asked. 'Who do you say I am?'"

-Matthew 16:15, Mark 8:29, Luke 9:20 (NIV)

It's an important question. Arguably the most important question in all of history and the most important question any man will ever have to answer.  And maybe you look at that question and think "Well that's what I want to know! Who is Jesus?" Luckily Peter gives us the answer proclaiming that Jesus is "the Christ, the Son of the living God." Matthew 16:16b

But why Jesus?

Of course you have probably heard about Jesus before.  You might have even been to church or another Christian gathering and heard extensive teaching about Jesus. Or maybe you have never been introduced to the person of Jesus.  For that there are many resources, a few of which we have listed below. And if you wish there are thousands of blogs, videos, sermons, books, and more on who Jesus is, and you can spend your whole life reading or watching these. But sometimes that's not helpful. Sometimes you have specific questions or concerns, or maybe you just hate reading. 

Whatever the reason, sometimes you just want someone to talk to. Maybe you just want to complain or maybe you have a question you want answered.  Whatever it is you want to talk about we want to listen. Honestly, that's the whole reason we are here, to take care of people and love them the way God loves them. So please give us a call, shoot us an email, drop in, or fill out the form below.  All of our contact info can be found here or at the bottom of each page.